Riding Season is here, y'all! Here are a few reminders.
Before the ride:
1) Make sure you are signed up for the correct ride (Runsignup calls them "races"). Ride sign-ups open TWO WEEKS before the ride. See WMBA's website for information about different groups (beginner, intermediate, advanced, hangout pace, etc.) and more information about how to sign-up for rides.
2) Please cancel ASAP if you know you can no longer attend a ride. There are usually riders on a waitlist and we want to make sure they can participate if there are spots available! If the ride you want is full, please sign up for the waitlist and you will be notified if a spot becomes available.

Weather: 1) We do our best to cancel or delay rides by 4:30 PM on the day of the ride. The BOD takes several factors into account before cancelling or delaying rides, including weather radar, trail conditions, and safety. Runsignup will send out a cancellation or delay email to all riders, so please check your email at or after 4:30 PM on the day of rides if you have concerns. Please do not post on social media asking if we have cancelled or delayed the ride. Ride Night: 1) No helmet, no ride! Your bike MUST be in working order. We understand that mechanicals can happen on the trail, but your bike should arrive at the park in working order. 2) Check that you are going to the correct park and stick to the group that you registered for. Our ride numbers are designed to follow guidelines required by the city parks. 3) Check-in with the parking lot attendant and find your group. Please stay away from cars. 4) Name plates with emergency contact information MUST be tied to the front of your bike. You CANNOT ride without one. 5) Listen to the ride guides and stay behind the leader and in front of the sweep. Remember that you are on a group ride and the ride guides are volunteers who have dedicated their time to the WMBA community. 6) If you cannot follow WMBA's policies which were created and updated with safety in mind, we will ask that you not ride with us that week.
